Wow! I am really surprised by how long I forgot to post anything on my website! Time really flies when you're having fun. I'm so excited and happy to be done with my credential program at San Francisco State University, and further, I am proud to announce that I will be joining my dream high school this Fall! (Teaching Biology and, of all things, MARINE Biology!)
I have been posting (somewhat) regularly on my YouTube channel Inglorious Bettas. I encourage all of you that look here for updates to subscribe to my channel there, so you can get instant notifications whenever I post. I find it ironic that although my initial efforts were focused on my website with YouTube as a supplemental video platform, my online presence has now shifted primarily over to my YouTube channel with my website as a permanent and handy reference!
I will endeavor to try and remember to write blog posts when I post videos. Even though It is much easier to just hop onto YouTube and livestream on a whim, or to upload a video and post it on FaceBook, there is great value in organizing my thoughts via a blog post (and I can also include more "back story" and pictures over here!)