Today is the 2 year anniversary of my grandfather's death. It's the first time I've been able to re-watch my grandfather's wild betta fish room tour. In a way I'm grateful to YouTube because it let me have this moment of us together recorded at least. I wish I had taken even more photos and videos. Please tell the people you love how much you love them, especially with how the world is right now. You never know when they will be plucked away.
Hello all! Wow! I am really surprised by how long I forgot to post anything on my website! Time really flies when you're having fun. I'm so excited and happy to be done with my credential program at San Francisco State University, and further, I am proud to announce that I will be joining my dream high school this Fall! (Teaching Biology and, of all things, MARINE Biology!) I have been posting (somewhat) regularly on my YouTube channel Inglorious Bettas. I encourage all of you that look here for updates to subscribe to my channel there, so you can get instant notifications whenever I post. I find it ironic that although my initial efforts were focused on my website with YouTube as a supplemental video platform, my online presence has now shifted primarily over to my YouTube channel with my website as a permanent and handy reference! I will endeavor to try and remember to write blog posts when I post videos. Even though It is much easier to just hop onto YouTube and livestream on a whim, or to upload a video and post it on FaceBook, there is great value in organizing my thoughts via a blog post (and I can also include more "back story" and pictures over here!) I have a TON of footage that I haven't edited yet (some from quite a long time ago >.< ) that got put on the back burner with the rush of finishing my credential program, finishing up student teaching, going to the American Killifish Association Convention and judging the California Betta Society show, and then starting my summer research program at Sacramento State! I will be editing and posting footage soon. Have a Betta Day!
Due to copyright issues with the music I embedded into the previous upload (sigh...always check copyright law) I had to re-upload this video. Totally worth it though! Jim specializes in Nothobranchius killifish, which are gorgeous peat spawners that have a significant incubation time. An engineer at heart, Jim has streamlined his entire fish room for both effectiveness and efficiency. I learned a LOT from him! Thanks Jim! Menu:
1:38 Nothobranchius kilomboriensis TAN 95-4 2:26 Nothobranchius guentheri Zanzibar 3:34 Lucania goodei 4:26 Fundulopanchex filamentosus Majideen 5:35 Procatopus similis 6:52 Uneven Male:Female Ratios 8:01 Fundulus chrysotus 9:18 Fundulus lineolatus 10:50 Soft water fish 11:35 Aphyosemion australe 12:17 Pseudepiplatys annulatus 13:47 Aphyosemion splendopeure Ikondo Titi 14:13 Rivulus mahdiaensis GUY 06-4 15:56 Fry Rack 17:08 Dripping in RO Water 18:13 Hard Water Treatment and Changing 20:56 Flubendazole 10% Prophylactic Treatment for Glugia ( 22:35 Baby Brine Shrimp 27:45 Incubating Eggs in Home-made Incubator 29:42 Hatching Eggs 32:00 Culturing Walter Worms 33:28 Cheap LED Lighting I love love love my new fish room! I'm having so much fun working on it. Special thanks to my dear boyfriend for letting me take over half of the study and for filming :) Hello everyone! Wow, I can't believe I missed a month! I think I've only done that twice in the past two years. Moving an entire fish room is a crazy endeavor and I was so blessed to have my AMAZING friends to help out! And a special thank you to my wonderful boyfriend, who let me fill his apartment with tons of living things. The fish room is a constant work in progress, but working on it little by little in between my summer job and now the Fall semester of my credential classes has been very rewarding. I LOVE my new little fish room (technically half of it is my boyfriend's computer room as well!) and it's turned into my little haven to get away from the world. Cheers and I hope you enjoy! I'll be making a new fish room tour very soon :) Hi all! Ah, the freedom of summer break! Fish room update that I actually filmed in February but just now got to edit. Enjoy! Hi Guys! Finally put together another video. Since it is a little long, here is a table of contents so you can jump to the section that you want to hear about:
1:20 Supplies and Prep Area 3:40 Awards and Memorabilia 4:12 Prime Conditioning Shelf 4:43 Carding 6:12 Conditioning Water 7:33 FlexWatt Heating Tape 8:05 "Storage" Shelf 8:33 Spawning Tanks 9:08 Plant Corner 11:52 Pygmy Sunfish Colony 13:41 Pygmy Sunfish Spawning Tank 14:53 Blue Gularis 15:35 Betta rubra Spawning Tank 17:56 Betta rubra Grow-Out Tank 19:13 Show Betta Grow-Out Tank 19:28 Black Bar "N" Class Endlers 20:34 Catfish Clean-up Crew Cheers and happy fish keeping! Whoa! I almost didn't have a post for November! Things have been crazy - teaching at SFSU and Dominican University kept me pretty busy, also an unexpectedly robust social life, my birthday, and Thanksgiving! Fear not though, I am going through my fish room and will be making an updated video tour in preparation for two talks this Spring at the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society and at the Sacramento Aquarium Society. I'm pretty excited! And yes...I still have to post the CBS show report. Yikes! However, the fall semester will be over soon and I will have AMPLE time to work on fish stuff :) To tide you guys over, I found an old video my roommate took of me while I was assembling my very first betta breeding rack. I had almost no idea what I was doing! However, I feel that most beginnings involving a box cutter and epic music played by Joshua Bell must be headed somewhere great. Katie was kind enough to give Elrose and me a tour of her fishroom! Lots of neat little projects and the cutest goldfish in the world. She shows us that you can do a lot in a small apartment bedroom! Even when you are a graduate student :) The San Francisco Bay Area Aquatic Plant Society (say THAT 3x fast) had their meeting yesterday at Tom Barr's planted tank wonder house in Sacramento! It was my first time finally seeing these tanks that I have followed for years on the planted tank forums. The company was great, the food wonderful, and the weather perfect. I was by no means able to photograph the entire meeting, but hopefully this video I managed to put together has enough Tom Barr tips and tricks to get your planted tank looking beautiful! Also, don't forget that many of the videos that I publish on this website are easily accessible via my YouTube Channel. If you subscribe to me on YouTube, then you will be notified every time I post a new one! And you'll be able to access all of them pretty easily. Most of these videos sprinkled throughout the site where they are relevant...but I'm sure you'll find a couple funny ones hiding away in my playlist.
Click on the picture of Weldon enjoying the sun to take you to a scrolling playlist of my videos. |
October 2020