Short and silly video on these beautiful killifish. Started collecting eggs and hopefully we will have our first hatch mid to late January :D
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Some of the most common questions I get involve how to heat betta jars and tanks. Using Flex Watt heating tape makes heating many individual jars very easy! Multiple Flex Watt tapes can also be plugged into the same thermostat, giving you central control over all of your jars and tanks in one go. Check out the updated Spawning section for some new helpful videos! I use CCW plastic square jars, size SG (which is about 1 gallon). They can be heated effectively with one 4" strip of Flex Watt. I also heat 6 gallon square tanks, which fit perfectly on the 12" wide tape. The heating tape and accessories can be found at Big Apple Herp. My phone has such limited storage that it can really only hold one video at a time, so I have to upload it as soon as I make it. It really sucks, but hey, at least it makes me be more active! I know it seems like I'm doing a ton of things, but really, this is just a day in the life of my fish room is like. Just lots of little things :) Here I share some new cheap spawning caves (thanks Greg Jones and Cory for the tip!) and also baking soda for keeping my fish room smelling fresh.
Cory from Aquarium Co-op featured me in one of his Home Show videos! I chose to do the puffer tank :D HIs name is now Super Man Astro! We are near the end of the video and he was so kind to link to my YouTube channel as well. I know that I've been on a roll with tons of short videos :D You guys are lucky because my phone's small storage space means that I have to upload my videos as soon as I film them to make room for the next one! It's been fun videotaping the little things I do in the fish room every day. Cheers! Paramecium are a great food for your tiniest fry that can't eat BBS yet. I started using them for my Elassoma fry especially and have noticed a better survival rate. Quick and super easy to culture and harvest, I recommend these for anyone working with itty bitty fry! The one I culture is Paramecium aurelia, which is the smallest one you can get. San Francisco Bay Area Killifish Association did a group buy on a culture from Carolina Biological Supply, which we distributed among members in the club. Remember, always try to get multiple people culturing live foods just in case yours crash ;) Enjoy! Another easy and quick fish keeping tip! I made some new grindal and white worm cultures for a killifish friend that was visiting from SoCal this weekend. Always share your cultures! That way you can ask for them back in case they crash :p Wow! I've been on a roll with this short videos. YouTube Capture app is awesome because I can quickly shoot videos when I'm just hanging out in my fish room like I would normally do. It's wonderful that I get to share more of my every day activities with you guys! Here I share the way that I hatch Baby Brine Shrimp. It takes less than 10 minutes a day. The easier it is, the more likely you are to do it :) Cheers! I spent last weekend in Las Vegas celebrating my birthday my mom, who also happened to be running the Las Vegas marathon :) One of my best friends from high school also made it! And of course, the Vegas trip itself was the best birthday present ever from my boyfriend (AKA cameraman) <3 Unfortunately, I accidentally left the window open in my fish room while we were gone...and I came back to icky fish :( However, ick is very easy to treat with just heat, salt, and water changes - no antibiotics needed! The ick cleared up overnight after treatment. I will continue to treat them for another 10 days until I am sure the ick is gone. Wow! Filming on my phone and then using YouTube creator is SO EASY! The video quality isn't as good as my DSLR (which I will reserve for videos that I want to be in very high quality), but using my phone is so nice to quickly capture interesting things that happen in my fish room. I made the video below in about 10 minutes! Although I am kicking myself for not insisting on a phone with higher memory storage... :( Below is Part 2 of changing water on sensitive blackwater species like licorice gouramies (Parosphromenus spp.) Enjoy! New YouTube Videos! Changing water on licorice gouramies and a new addition to the fish room :)11/15/2016 Gosh darn it guys, I did it again. I missed October! This semester has been a whirlwind of activity doing my credential program and traveling a lot. I went to Hawaii for a week for my boyfriend's best friend's wedding, and then went to Las Vegas for my birthday weekend. It's been a blast but also difficult to balance all of my school work! I uploaded a few short videos on my YouTube channel. I'm just realizing how decent my iPhone is at filming and it is a heck of a lot less work than using my DSLR and then editing in iMovie. I will still use my DSLR for clear shots and my special videos, but I would like to shoot just little clips whenever anything noteworthy happens. My fish room is my Fortress of Solitude - it's where I go when I want to escape. It's almost meditative :) However, if there's anything quick and fun to show, I'll try and remember to capture it :) Here are a couple quick videos on how I change water on my very sensitive licorice gouramies (key tips - age, soften, IAL treat and heat your water at least overnight). I also am very excited to introduce a special new addition to my fish room - an adorable Red-eye Red-belly puffer fish! He is absolutely adorable and very personable. I took this video the first day he came home with me, so he was still settling in. I'll definitely be filming more of him in the near future.
October 2020