Made a short video on my killifish :)
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Here is my corny fishroom tour (full length feature!) :) I attended my first Bay Area Killifish Association meeting tonight, and met a lot of really cool killifish people. It goes without saying that I managed to bring home a trio of killifish for the newly vacated 5 gallon planted tank in my livingroom. I'm exited to have something a little easier to spawn, but just as colorful and personality-packed as a betta. These photos were taken immediately after a 1 hour drip acclimation, and they are already starting to explore their new kingdom!
Currently the tank is at about 77F, which is on the higher side of their temperature preference. I might try to remove the heater and see if I can get good activity and spawning success at room temperature. I always feel weird having an aquarium without a heater...darn bettas require so much heat to be comfortable. There new page can be found here in the Wilds section of the website. I had WAY too much fun making this little trailer lol. Much better than the boring fishroom tour I was going to make...although I still might make that one so you guys get a proper view of my fishroom set up. Enjoy! Updated CTDT chart! Exciting times ahead!It's going to be difficult to figure out what the next step is...possibly a back cross if the CTDT male from Justin's is still healthy enough to attempt a spawn in a couple months? Or should I do a DT outcross with my triband female to improve the DTs?
I think it will depend on how the DTs look from this next spawn (CTDT x RBOS female). If he throws even lobed DTs, then I will do a back cross. If not, then the DT outcross becomes more of a possibility. Fishy plans! Transferred a lot of baby yellows to my 30 gallon planted grow out today. They are still fairly colorless looking...really crossing my fingers I get some nice yellows out of this spawn!
Having wayyyy to much fun with these tube extenders! Tube extenders are the poor man's way to get cool macro shots. I got my Fotodiox Macro Tube Extension Kit for Nikon from Amazon for only $12!
There are several lengths of tubes that come with it. You have to be very gentle when you screw them onto your lens and camera, otherwise they might jam (they are cheap for a reason). You must use manual focus since your lens will no longer directly connected to your camera. Make sure to have a LOT of light! It automatically sets at f22, which means that you will need a ton of light to avoid underexposure. We're gearing up for the fall show season, and I decided to take some pics of possible showers and breeders. I am overall happy with the quality of these two spawns, and am excited to go for F3 and F4 in the near future. I will probably not show too much this next year, and focus on my judging apprenticeship. This gives me time to do some spawning!
I bought an awesome (and cheap!) tube extension kit from Amazon, and had a LOT of fun playing with it! It's like having a microscope on your lens! Be really careful when you screw the tube extenders to your lens and camera. You can only use manual focus because the lens is no longer attached directly to the camera, and it will automatically set to f22 (which means you need a LOT of light!)
My CT females know how to prevent themselves from getting eggbound - they make their own bubblenests and drop their eggs and take care of their unfertilized eggs. It's really bizarre! |
October 2020