Thanks everyone that attended my livestream on Sunday. I have been having a difficult time in the fish room lately and the stream really cheered me up. It seems like a lot of fish keepers are running into troubles with their fish lately, but the important part is to keep moving. This hobby is not easy! You need grit and resilience to continue work through the inevitable problems that may come up!
To continue with the healing process, I decided to edit some video footage from happier times. I actually converted my 20 gallon long tank into a planted tank wayyy back during Spring Break! I really love how this tank turned out and it is a joy to have as a focal point in my fish room.
To put it 20 gallon long tank needed HELP. The light had burned out and my lovely marble crayfish had eaten all of the java moss and fern that used to fill the entire aquarium. My Betta pallifina juveniles desperately needed to be sorted and moved to a larger grow out tank. This tank was a huge eyesore. I decided to take some drastic measures and convert the entire thing into a planted tank! |
Plants 1x Anubias (coffeefolia?) 1x Anubias barteri 1x Anubias congensis 2x Crypt parva 2x Bacopa 1x Wisteria 2x Italian Vallisneria spiralis 1x Bulb with lacy leaves (Aponogeton madagascariensis?) 1x Bulb with wavy leaves (Aponogeton ulvaceus?) 1x Crypt sp. (bronze wendtii?) 1x Java Fern Windelov 1x Java Fern Normal 1x Sword (Melon?) 1x Dwarf Sagittarius 3x "Onion" Plants | Equipment 30 inch Finnex Stringray Light Timer 160z Bottle of Easy Green Easy Root Tabs Super Glue Gel 2x Cholla Wood |