Thankfully the levamisole appears to be working on whatever mysterious parasite my fish were carrying. They are eating again and I hope that they can start growing again as well. I will be repeating the treatment twice more in the coming weeks to really make sure that it is fully eradicated.
Some basic tips on spawning this prolific species:
- They are a very hardy species that is not picky about water quality.
- Pairs or reverse trios (2 males with 1 female) work best with this species. Although they spawn in group situations, they can concentrate on each other much better in a pair or reverse trio situation.
- Removing the female after spawning helps the male concentrate on holding the fry to term. I usually cover the tank as well.
- Let the male recover after they spit fry! Sometimes the female will insist on spawning again right away. The male can literally starve to death!
- Fry are large and take BBS as soon as they hatch.