I had a really wonderful time apprentice judging down at the Golden State Bettas show! Check out the full show report in the Show Reports section!
I added a new show report over in the "Show Reports" Section. Check it out, check it out!
I had a real blast going to Friedrichshaffen, Germany this past weekend to apprentice judge at the Kampffishfruende Area 2 IBC Convention! I met so many wonderful betta people in Europe, and it is my new personal goal to breed bettas that would be competitive in Europe so that I can take fish over there (as well as bring many back!) I took lots of pictures and will be adding them in a later post. For now I just wanted to put up a short video that I made. How to Flare Train Your Betta I made this quick video this morning while I was flare training my bettas. I usually flare train at least once a day, right before feeding them, either in the morning or in the evening (whenever I have more time). It is important to flare train you bettas so that: A) They develop their finnage to their maximum potential. In order to achieve the full "halfmoon" look, they must actively stretch the membrane between the rays. B) They can flare on command. Flaring on command is *very* important for showing. When the judge removes the card, the bettas are expected to flare and display. It is very difficult to judge a betta that is not displaying properly, and it is a severe fault if they have such poor deportment. I love this little news clip on this European IBC show lol - the bettas (especially in the beginning) remind me of models with fans blowing through their fins! What sassy fish! |
October 2020